Friday, 16 November 2012

New Beginnings

It is with great joy that we take our first step into blogdom today. Yes, I know, blogdom is not a word and we probably cannot play it in Scrabble. Well, I declare it a word now.
At any rate, let me share a bit of our story and what led us into blogdom.
Many years ago, a mother and daughter wanted to share the happiness that they got from doing beadwork. They developed their own specialties, taught others, thought outside traditional colors and patterns and worked hard on their craft, and all with the greatest respect for the Indigenous First Nations People who had come before them. In time, a company was born. Cee Cee Native Crafts.

Our name came from the first letters of our names, Carolyn and Chevy, but we couldn't just use the letter "C", so we spiced it up a bit and decided to write out the letters instead!
We've been developing jewelry with a native flair for over 30 years, always improving our techniques, our quality and our designs. We try to offer something new every few months, just to keep things fresh. We use a wide range of colors, a variety of leather, felt and cloth and we're very proud of our standards. Because, frankly, who wants a hastily finished piece of blech?
We're always trying to interest future generations in carrying on the art of beadwork. We've taught at a number of schools as well as teaching other members of our family. Each of us in the family has our own "specialty" now.
Chevy - Everything from picking colours, choosing leather, product development, finishing and customer relations, business operations, ordering and shipping and more!
Carolyn - Pattern research and development, product development, freestyle beadwork, web presence, peyote beadwork, site maintenance, business operations and whatever else comes up!
Red - Loom work and finishing
Betty - Earrings, and learning more
Glenn - At one time Glenn developed patterns and did some awesome peyote beadwork! These days, he's moved on from building beaded pieces to building cars.

We have a few goals for our blog. Not just to showcase our work, but the work of all kinds of talented folks; beadworkers, herbalists, leatherworkers, carvers, painters ... the list could be endless! You'll find that over time, we'll share what makes the world go 'round, what makes it healthier, a happier place to be and things that bring joy.

We hope you'll share this journey with us.
You can also find us on Twitter
as well as on Facebook
and on our website

Look us up!

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